Piers Morgan Described Jackson and Jordan As a Couple

Piers Morgan

Sep 5, 2019

Piers Morgan has garnered a strong following among fans of Michael Jackson, particularly after challenging Dan Reed on Good Morning Britain and sharing the following tweet:

Interesting to see so many journalists on here accept everything in #LeavingNeverland is true, without applying any questioning eye. The 2 accusers have changed their story multiple times & are suing Jackson's estate for 100s of millions. At least be challenging, surely?

View original tweet here.

Many Jackson fans seem unaware of Piers Morgan's status as a consummate narcissist and provocateur. He is known to engage in contentious arguments merely to draw attention to himself.


Despite cosying up to members of the Jackson family and maintaining a sceptical stance towards the latest allegations in recent months, Piers Morgan has indeed voiced significant concerns about Michael Jackson's conduct in the early 1990s.

In a video I discovered on Twitter, Piers Morgan addresses Michael Jackson's interactions with Jordan Chandler at the World Music Awards in Monaco in 1993. He explicitly comments that Jackson and Jordan appeared to be engaged in a intimate relationship.

In the video, he makes the following statement:

We didn't see the mother from day one, she just was not part of the story at all. But we did see the boy and the sister and Jackson repeatedly on top of houses waving to people and doing stuff like this. Anyway, 3 days passed, and the concert came along. I was sitting literally 5 rows away from Jackson, who was one of the first to sit next to Prince Albert, and for 2 hours, he sat with that boy on his knee. And this is not a very, very young boy, not a 3-year-old; this is a 13-year-old boy and almost fully developed teenage boy sitting on his knee. Jackson was holding him like this, his hands were on his legs; it was rather tactile behaviour. He was hugging him, laughing and joking with him, encouraging the bands, and giving his views. The boy and he seemed like very close friends, almost like they were having a relationship.

Contrary to his usual confrontational demeanour, Piers Morgan appears notably composed in the video, clearly recounting his firsthand observation of a 35-year-old Jackson exhibiting intimate behaviour with a 13-year-old boy. The level of intimacy he witnessed resembled that of an adult couple.

Clips of Piers Morgan are frequently employed by staunch Jackson supporters, whether on social media or in videos refuting Leaving Neverland. Recently, the Jackson estate released a 32-minute YouTube video titled "Lies of Leaving Neverland," featuring footage of Piers Morgan grilling Dan Reed.

It's doubtful whether these individuals would have elevated Piers Morgan to a pro-Jackson pedestal had they been aware of his statements from the early-1990s.

Upon reflection, maybe they would. After all, scraping the barrel is part of Jackson's defence.