Grooming Takes Months, Therefore Wade Robson Is Lying?

Aug 13, 2023

Fans raise doubts about Wade Robson's claim that he was molested during his first visit to Neverland Ranch, arguing that there was no time for Jackson to groom him. However, upon reviewing his story, it becomes clear that his account is compelling rather than unconvincing.

The Michael Jackson Case for Innocence Podcast

Dec 13, 2022

The Michael Jackson Case for Innocence is purportedly presented by a mother-and-daughter team. However, there is something quite unsettling about Sheryl, the mother, who speaks in an unnaturally robotic tone that resembles AI.

Michael Jackson Documentaries You Should Watch

Oct 26, 2022

Reading can sometimes feel a bit tedious, so in this section, I’ve compiled a list of several Michael Jackson documentaries to watch. These films will help you gain insight into the allegations that have been made against him.

The Missing Bed Blunder

Oct 23, 2022

There is no shortage of conspiracies and misinformation targeting Michael Jackson's accusers, with Wade Robson being one of the most significant victims. In this case, fans allege that he lied about the presence of a bed; however, a review of the transcripts clearly indicates that he did not lie.

The Judgemental Psychosexual Therapist

Feb 15, 2022

The authors of MJ Innocent would have you believe that "Facts Don't Lie, People Do." However, after their recent radio appearance, it seems they are more focused on spreading falsehoods than on conveying factual truths.

Dr. Andrew Greene: The One-Trick Pony

Dec 16, 2021

Andrew Greene is a fervent defender of Michael Jackson, often claiming that authority figures, including the FBI, conducted thorough investigations that led to Jackson's complete innocence. However, the facts suggest that Andrew is a compulsive liar.

Boys Will Be Boys: Fact Checking MJ Stans

Oct 15, 2021

 Ron Zonen, a lead prosecutor in the 2005 case, claims that a book owned by Michael Jackson contained roughly 90% nudity of young boys. This assertion has been disputed by several Twitter users; however, a careful analysis of the facts indicates that Ron was indeed telling the truth.

The Tell-Tale Splotch: Debunking MJs Fact Vault

Aug 31, 2021

MJ's Fact Vault has created an entire Twitter thread claiming to highlight inaccuracies in Jordan Chandler's description of discoloration on Jackson's genitalia. However, upon closer inspection, it seems to be yet another instance of misinformation.

Michael Jackson and the False Allegations of Police Brutality

Jul 2, 2021

Michael Jackson participated in an interview with Ed Bradley on Christmas Day in 2003. During the interview, Jackson alleged that he was physically manhandled to the extent that the police dislocated his shoulder.

The Truth about Anthony Pellicano’s “Extortion” Tape

Oct 30, 2020

The pro-Michael Jackson documentary Square One showcases Anthony Pellicano's "extortion" tape as definitive evidence that Evan was attempting to extort Michael Jackson. However, this audiotape was heavily manipulated and features only a few lines extracted from a much longer conversation.

Fund Taj Jackson with Victim Blaming Merchandise

Apr 8, 2020

The Michael Jackson Innocent Project offers a variety of clothing featuring victim-shaming slogans. Disturbingly, this clothing line is not exclusively designed for adults; it also targets preschool children. Furthermore, 50% of the profits are directed to Taj Jackson.

Myth: The Settlement Was for Negligence, Not Sexual Abuse

April 7, 2019

Some fans claim that the multimillion-dollar settlement received by the Chandler family was solely for negligence, not for the original child molestation allegations, thereby implying Jackson's innocence. However, this assertion is far from accurate.

Charles Thomson’s Double Standards on Racism

Apr 6, 2020

UK journalist Charles Thomson has gained a reputation for disseminating misinformation and conspiracy theories in an effort to support Jackson's innocence. However, would he similarly excuse another user employing derogatory and racist language toward Oprah Winfrey?

Myth: Michael Jackson Wanted A Criminal Trial After The Settlement In 1994

April 5, 2019

Defenders of Michael Jackson assert that he sought a criminal trial following the Jordan Chandler allegations in 1993. However, evidence clearly indicates that the multimillion-dollar settlement was intended to resolve the case and avoid a court trial.

Michael Jackson's Nude Boy Books: A Closer Look

April 4, 2020

During the 1993 raid of Michael Jackson's properties, police discovered books that contained nude images of children, some of which focused on their genitalia. These books have been categorized as "child erotica" and have even been recommended by NAMBLA.

Debunking the Ramblings of Bill Whitfield

April 2, 2020

After the release of Leaving Neverland, Bill Whitfield, a former bodyguard of Michael Jackson, posted a series of immature and patently false tweets regarding the main subjects, James Safechuck and Wade Robson.

MYTH: James Safechuck Created A Story That Jackson Deserted Him After Puberty

March 31, 2020

Fans assert that James Safechuck fabricated a false narrative in Leaving Neverland, alleging that Jackson abandoned him after he reached puberty. However, in James's lawsuit, he clearly states that he continued to have limited contact with Jackson even into his mid-teens.

Myth: Wade Robson Attempted To Hide His Lawsuit From Public View

March 29, 2020

Fans allege that Wade Robson sought to conceal his lawsuit from the public, only revealing it after unsuccessful attempts to extort money from the estate. However, this claim is inaccurate; Wade's lawsuit has been public since its inception.

Myth: Wade Robson Lied About Having A Pre-testimony Dinner

March 27, 2020

Wade Robson claims that he observed a fragile Michael Jackson at Neverland before providing testimony in 2005, which strengthened his resolve to defend him. However, Taj Jackson states that this dinner took place the following day.

Myth: Wade Robson Begged The Mj Estate To Hire Him For Cirque Du Soleil

March 26, 2020

There is a myth that Wade Robson pleaded with the Michael Jackson estate for the opportunity to direct the Cirque du Soleil shows. However, evidence indicates that Robson chose to resign after feeling mentally overwhelmed.

The Intriguing Video "Bubbles Burst" By Sean Lennon

March 25, 2020

Sean Lennon, a former "special friend" of Michael Jackson who spent considerable time with him as a child, released a song in 2016 titled "Bubbles Burst." This song presents Jackson in a peculiar and often unflattering light.

MYTH: Amanda Robson Lied about Not Knowing Anything about CSA

March 24, 2020

In Leaving Neverland, Wade's wife, Amanda, asserts that she knows nothing about child sex abuse. However, on their website, she reveals that she is a victim of abuse. However, she has not undermined her statement, as abuse and sexual abuse are two different things.

Ron Zonen And Thomas Meserau Offer Their Opinion On Wade Robson

March 23, 2020

Two key figures from the 2005 Michael Jackson molestation trial, Ron Zonen and Thomas Mesereau, share their insights on Wade Robson in a Vanity Fair article.

Explained: Wade Robson's Self-description As The Master Of Deception

March 22, 2020

While writing his book about the abuse he suffered at the hands of Michael Jackson, Wade Robson referred to himself as "the master of deception," indicating that he learned how to lie from Jackson himself.

Taj Jackson Called Wade Robson a liar Based on His Own Alleged Trauma

March 21, 2020

Shortly after Wade Robson publicly revealed in 2013 that he had been abused by Michael Jackson, Taj Jackson turned to social media to claim that he too was a victim. This response was intended to assert his authority as a survivor of child sexual abuse and undermine Wade's allegations.

Myth: James Safechuck Lied About Being Contacted To Be A Defence Witness

March 20, 2020

Scott Ross, a member of Michael Jackson's 2005 defence team, claims that James Safechuck was a nonentity and could not have been contacted to serve as a witness. However, an examination of the facts reveals that this assertion is completely false.

Did A Judge Disregarded Wade Robson's Sworn Declaration?

March 19, 2020

The Michael Jackson estate asserts that a trial judge disregarded Wade Robson's sworn declaration. However, a careful examination of the facts reveals that this claim is entirely fictitious.

Clarifying Wade Robson's Statement About Michael Jackson's Estate

March 18, 2020

Fans assert that Wade Robson lied about his awareness of the existence of the Michael Jackson estate. However, this is inaccurate. Wade was initially unaware of his legal ability to sue the estate, not of its existence.

Why Was James Safechuck's Lawsuit Dismissed In 2017?

March 17, 2020

Michael Jackson fans often suggest that James Safechuck's lawsuit was dismissed in 2017 because it was riddled with bogus claims. However, similar to Wade Robson's case, it was dismissed on legal technicalities rather than issues of credibility.

Why Was Wade's Lawsuit Dismissed In 2015 And 2017?

March 16, 2020

Michael Jackson fans often claim that Wade Robson's lawsuit was dismissed in 2015 and 2017 because it was fictitious. However, this is a misunderstanding; the case was dismissed on legal grounds, not due to issues of credibility.

Dispelling The Myth That James And Wade Are After An Easy Payday

March 15, 2020

Fans argue that James Safechuck and Wade Robson have falsely accused Michael Jackson in a bid for easy money. However, factual evidence indicates that both men encountered considerable difficulties in bringing their lawsuits to court, spending a decade in the process.

Myth: James Safechuck Started His Lawsuit To Bail Out His Parents

March 14, 2020

Following James Safechuck's accusation of sexual abuse against Michael Jackson, a myth began circulating online suggesting that his lawsuit was intended to support his parents, who were embroiled in a contractual dispute related to their waste management company.

The Legal Battle Between Michael Jackson's Estate And Hbo

March 13, 2020

The Michael Jackson estate attempted to sue HBO over the release of Leaving Neverland, asserting that it breached a non-disparagement contract between Jackson and the media company. Nevertheless, this legal dispute does not undermine the credibility of the documentary, regardless of the estate's attempts to frame it otherwise.

Jimmy Safechuck's Intriguing 1994 Statement

March 12, 2020

Shortly after the allegations made by Jordan Chandler, James Safechuck released a statement in 1994 denying any abuse. However, within this statement, it was revealed that Jackson used to kiss James, which raised questions about the nature of their relationship.

Jordan Chandler Never Recanted His Allegations

March 11, 2020

Shortly after Michael Jackson's death, rumours began to circulate online claiming that his first accuser, Jordan Chandler, had recanted his allegations of sexual abuse. However, these claims were ultimately proven to be a complete hoax.

Debunking The Myth That The Fbi Investigated Michael Jackson

March 10, 2020

Fans of Michael Jackson frequently argue that the FBI conducted a comprehensive investigation into him, which ultimately led to his exoneration. However, the reality is that the FBI did not initiate any investigation related to accusations of child sex abuse against him.

Is the “Brett Barnes” Twitter Account a Fake?

Feb 22, 2020

Evaluating the authenticity of the Brett Barnes Twitter account to determine if it truly belongs to Brett from Australia or if it is an impostor disseminating unfounded and derogatory remarks against James and Wade.

Is Taj Jackson Running a Fraudulent GoFundMe Campaign?

Feb 6, 2020

Taj Jackson is seeking $777,000 through his GoFundMe campaign to produce a pro-Michael Jackson documentary. However, after reviewing his description, it becomes clear that it contains false and misleading statements that violate the platform's terms.

Charles Thomson And The Dubious Sodium Amytal Story

Dec 8, 2019

In Square One, UK journalist Charles Thomson asserts that Jordan Chandler was drugged and brainwashed with Sodium Amytal. However, when I challenged his claims in an email conversation, I was led to believe in conspiracies and falsehoods.

Danny Wu Celebrates That Two Girls Watched His Film

Nov 26, 2019

Danny Wu, the creator of Square One, a controversial documentary that challenges the allegations made by Jordan Chandler, boasted on his Twitter thread that two preteen girls had viewed his mature film.

Damning Statements Made By Carl Douglas

Nov 8, 2019

Carl Douglas, a member of Michael Jackson's 1993 legal team, describes in Telephone Stories how society has become obsessed with celebrities and draws parallels between Michael Jackson fans and supporters of Donald Trump.

Rebuttal to The "Lies of Leaving Neverland"

Oct 13, 2019

On August 13, 2019, a 32-minute video titled "Lies of Leaving Neverland" was released on YouTube, claiming to highlight inaccuracies in Dan Reed's documentary. Upon analysing its contents, it is evident that the video was created to mislead and deceive viewers.

Mike Smallcombe Contradicts His Own Logic

Oct 10, 2019

Mike Smallcombe aggressively presented his Neverland train station findings to news sources. However, in Chase the Truth, he contradicted himself regarding his assumption that James was referring to the main train station, based on images from the documentary.

Piers Morgan Described Jackson and Jordan As a Couple

Sep 5, 2019

Piers Morgan, who has expressed scepticism regarding James Safechuck and Wade Robson's allegations in Leaving Neverland, once described witnessing Michael Jackson and Jordan Chandler together in a manner that suggested an intimate relationship.

Chase The Truth: Matt Fiddes Edition

Aug 20, 2019

Matt Fiddes, a former business partner of celebrity spoon-bender Uri Geller, claims he was Michael Jackson's personal bodyguard and friend for at least a decade. However, all evidence suggests that he never spent more than a week in Jackson's presence.

Brandi Jackson Suddenly Remembers Wade Robson’s “Bad” Antics

Aug 2, 2019

Brandi Jackson criticized Leaving Neverland for failing to include her relationship with Wade Robson. However, upon closer inspection, it appears that this relationship may have never actually existed.

Charles Thomson Makes Glaring Factual Inaccuracies

Jun 10, 2019

Charles Thomson, a self-proclaimed journalist, made a series of false and misleading statements during a speech addressing the main subjects of Leaving Neverland.

Harrison Funk Plays Dumb Over His Neverland Train Station Claims

May 8, 2019

In an MJ Cast interview, Harrison Funk specifically stated that Michael Jackson told him he had constructed the Neverland train station without a permit. When I confronted him about this claim, I was met with nonsensical responses.

The Neverland Train Station Discrepancy

Apr 9, 2019

In Leaving Neverland, James Safechuck states that Jackson abused him in multiple locations, including the train station. However, planning permits indicate that this building did not exist during the period when the abuse occurred.

MJ Innocent Deluded Open Letter To Tfl

March 24, 2019

After the removal of "MJ Innocent" banners from London buses, the campaign's creators penned an open letter to Transport for London, criticizing their decision. However, the letter was notably hypocritical and rife with inaccuracies.

Neverland Ranch: Semen Stains, Cocaine And Demerol

March 21, 2019

The 2004 raid on Neverland Ranch by the police found traces of cocaine, the misuse of Demerol, and semen stains from unidentified males on Michael Jackson's private bed

Jordan Chandler’s Description Of Discolouration, Did It Match?

March 19, 2019

Analysing law enforcement statements concerning Jordan Chandler's December 1993 description of Michael Jackson's genitalia and the accuracy of the identification of discoloration.

Wade Robson Explains Why He Defended Michael Jackson

March 15, 2019

In an interview with Victoria Derbyshire on the BBC, Wade Robson, a key figure in Leaving Neverland, discusses the reasons behind his long-standing false defence of Michael Jackson.

MJ Innocent Campaign Removed From London Busses

March 14, 2019

The founders of MJ Innocent arranged for banners proclaiming Michael Jackson's innocence to be displayed on London buses. However, following criticism, including objections from Survivors Trust, the banners were promptly taken down.

The Truth About The FBI “Investigation” Into Michael Jackson

March 14, 2019

Investigating whether the FBI truly conducted a decade-long investigation into Michael Jackson that ultimately led to his exoneration, or if this claim is merely fan misinformation designed to mislead.

Dear MJ Apologists, This Is What You Support

March 13, 2019

Questioning whether the defence of Michael Jackson's practice of sharing his bed with unrelated children would be deemed acceptable if it involved an ordinary person rather than a celebrity.

Fact Checking Statements Made By

March 10, 2019

Are the authors of MJ Innocent genuine defenders of the truth, or are they misguided celebrity worshippers spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories to elevate their idol?