The Truth about the FBI “Investigation” into Michael Jackson

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mar 14, 2019

A widely circulated assertion on social media just prior to the debut of Leaving Neverland suggested that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had conducted a decade-long investigation into Jackson, ultimately finding no indications of his involvement in the sexual abuse of children.

Is there any truth to this?

Initially, the claim seems to hold merit. A visit to the FBI website reveals a dedicated page on Michael Jackson, leading to a multitude of associated pages. These materials were made accessible in December 2009, following Jackson's passing. Out of a total of 679 pages, 333 were disclosed, while the remainder were withheld to safeguard the privacy and security of ongoing agents.

When envisioning an FBI inquiry, one naturally anticipates extensive surveillance and interviews with key individuals. However, a brief perusal of the released pages quickly reveals that these FBI documents do not present a favourable validation of Jackson's "innocence". The majority of the pages are heavily redacted, some contain unintelligible content, and certain pages even feature clippings from tabloid stories, as illustrated in the screenshot below.

Tabloid stories

Identifying the precise origin of the theory claiming that the FBI conducted an investigation resulting in the clearance of Jackson's name is difficult to ascertain, though numerous Jackson supporters would like to think they played a role. One such individual is the longstanding and disbarred Jackson family lawyer, Brian Oxman. Ironically, Oxman also propagated the unfounded rumour that the substantial settlement with Jordan Chandler was not paid by Jackson, but rather by a mysterious insurance company. This claim, incidentally, was false.

During an interview on Good Morning America, Brian Oxman stated that he became aware of the existence of an FBI file on Michael Jackson in August [2009], which prompted him to file a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the release of the files.

Watch the segment below.

In summary, the video clarifies that it is not uncommon for public figures to have FBI files. In many instances, this is unrelated to any alleged criminal activities on their part but rather involves investigating individuals who pose a threat to them.

In 1992, the FBI initiated an investigation into a bipolar man named Frank Paul Jones, who had developed an obsession with Michael and Janet Jackson. Jones had been issuing threats to Jackson and then-President George H.W. Bush, leading to his subsequent arrest outside the Jackson family's Hayvenhurst residence. Additionally, the FBI was involved in assessing the potential for a terrorist attack during the 2005 trial.

Brian Oxman ardently endeavors to cast the recently disclosed FBI files in a positive light, even asserting that the FBI conducted extensive international investigations, yielding "not one scrap of evidence that Michael Jackson ever harmed a child."

Conversely, former FBI agent Brad Garrett presents a markedly contrasting narrative in the video, stating:

"When you look at the files that have become available, they are files where the FBI has been asked by the police to help them with certain aspects of the case. They are really not operational FBI cases. For example, coming to the FBI because they have forensic capabilities with computers, to mirror image hard drives so they can look at the evidence inside of a computer, or asking for investigative strategies or interview strategies. So these really are support functions where the FBI were involved in the case. The other side of course are the threats, which were operational cases."

Brad Garrett emphasizes that there was never an active FBI investigation specifically focused on child sexual abuse, and their involvement was limited to aiding law enforcement in areas beyond their expertise, such as analysing hard drives and VHS tapes confiscated from Jackson's properties.

This assertion is supported by information available on the FBI's website, where it is stated:

“Michael Jackson (1958-2009) was a famous singer and entertainer. Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Jackson was investigated by California law enforcement agencies for possible child molestation. He was acquitted of all such charges. The FBI provided technical and investigative assistance to these agencies during the cases. The Bureau also investigated threats made against Mr. Jackson and others by an individual who was later imprisoned for these crimes. These investigations occurred between 1992 and 2005.”

It should be noted that the FBI indicates that Jackson was investigated by California law enforcement agencies, namely the Santa Barbara and Los Angeles police, with the FBI offering technical and investigative support during the 1993 and 2005 cases.

Furthermore, the FBI went as far as releasing a podcast to explicitly underscore that their involvement did not extend to investigating Jackson.

“Untrue. The FBI did not investigate MJ, even for a day. “That’s Dave Hardy, chief of the FBI’s Freedom of Information Program, who says that while FBI didn’t investigate Jackson, the files now available show the FBI working with other agencies.”


Moreover, the FBI files reveal that the Santa Barbara Sheriff's department sought assistance from the FBI to analyze 16 computers and associated digital media discovered at Neverland Ranch.

"Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department has requested assistance processing computers and related media relating to the Michael Jackson case. SBSD has requested examiners with [retracted] backgrounds."

The FBI itself confirms that the analysis was conducted at the Santa Barbara Sheriff's office laboratory under their supervision.

Dear Sheriff Anderson: 

"Enclosed is the Computer Analysis Response Teem (CART) report of examination on sixteen Macintosh computer hard drive images related to the captioned case. In accordance with your request, the examination was conducted in the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office laboratory under the investigative supervision of your detectives."

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department also expressed gratitude to the FBI for their assistance.

"On behalf of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department, Criminal Investigations Division, I would like to thank you, Special Agent [retracted] and those involved in the Computer Analysis Response Team who worked to diligently examine the Macintosh hard drive images and quickly provide to us a report for the lead detectives involved in the above referenced case (your file 62D-LA-236081).

Sheriff's Department Detective [retracted] and Detective [retracted] worked alongside Agent [retracted] Agent [retracted] and Agent [retracted] stating that your staff are truly experts on what they do. Their assistance in this matter was greatly appreciated." 


Jim Anderson


Once more, this dispels any notion of the FBI conducting a covert or independent investigation into Jackson for child sexual abuse. The documented records unequivocally indicate that the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department sought the FBI's expertise in analyzing computer hard drives and digital media under their supervision, due to the complexity of the task.

Seeking assistance from the FBI is a routine practice, as nearly every police department in the United States (and sometimes even overseas) regularly requests support from the FBI.

Why are fans falsely claiming the FBI investigated him?

Regrettably, this is a typical practice among Jackson's ardent supporters. They disseminate false information and conspiracy theories to bolster Jackson's "innocence" (or the perception thereof). The assertion that the FBI conducted an investigation goes beyond fan websites and social media, as it has been espoused on national television by fans and even members of Jackson's own family.

For instance, a dedicated long-time supporter of Jackson, Danny Oliver (@DannyMJOliver), made an appearance on the U.K.'s This Morning shortly before the release of Leaving Neverland, offering his rationale for believing in Jackson's innocence. Toward the conclusion of the interview, he remarked:

"Let me tell you now, there's been a 10 year FBI investigation into Michael Jackson, hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents and evidence presenting the facts that he did nothing untoward."

Watch the segment below.

Around the same time, Taj Jackson, Michael's nephew, asserted to BBC reporter Kirsty Wark that his uncle was the most scrutinized individual in the world during that period, even mentioning secret FBI raids that yielded no incriminating evidence.

Taj Jackson remarked:

"He definitely had a lot of power in the industry, but at the same time when you're the most scrutinised person in the world at that point, wiretaps and this and that, FBI raids... secret FBI raids when he's out of town, its like they would have found something. They found nothing."

Watch the segment below.

Even on his GoFundMe page, where he seeks $777,000 for his pro-Michael Jackson documentary, Taj Jackson has made this claim. Despite the specific terms and conditions of GoFundMe prohibiting the inclusion of false or misleading statements within the campaign description, Taj Jackson remains undeterred.

Go Fund Me

Another steadfast defender of Jackson, Charles Thomson, also asserts very similar, if not more audacious claims in a blog post from January 2010. In his article titled "FBI File Support Jacksons Innocence; Media Reports Otherwise," Thomson proceeds to make the following claim:

"On a more general level, the files reveal that it was not only the Los Angeles Police force which pursued Jackson for more than a decade and failed to produce one itoa of information to connect the star to any crime - it was the FBI too. That Jackson's life was dissected and his behaviour was investigated for more than 10 years by two major law enforcement agencies and not one piece of evidence was ever produced to indicate his guilt speaks volumes."

He repeats this on his Twitter account in January 2019.

Charles Thomson (@CEThomson) - 26 Jan, 2019

Imagine having to put up with this bullshit, about one of your relatives, for decades. I don't know how this family keeps soldiering on. They can't get any justice. Five-month trial ending in acquittal, plus a 10-year FBI investigation that found nothing - and still it goes on.

View screenshot of original tweet here.

Charles Thomson's claims are flawed on two counts. First and foremost, the FBI did not investigate Jackson at all, not even for a moment. Secondly, the Santa Barbara and Los Angeles departments amassed sufficient evidence to bring charges against Michael Jackson for child sexual abuse. While there may not have been a "smoking gun," as is common in many sexual assault cases, dismissing his behaviour towards young boys in such a cavalier manner does little to reflect positively on Charles Thomson's moral integrity.


Oddly, those asserting that the FBI investigated Jackson and found no evidence of child abuse are unable to provide a specific reference page. Instead, they deflect and refer individuals to the homepage, expecting them to locate the alleged "exonerating" information on their own.

These same individuals also fail to acknowledge that if the FBI did indeed investigate and exonerate Jackson, it would spotlight significant failures within the U.S. justice system. Why would the FBI, a government agency, withhold crucial information from a judge and jury, thus allowing the state of California to squander millions of taxpayer dollars prosecuting a man they deemed innocent? Naturally, fans, family members, and former lawyers refrain from probing these questions, as they involve far too much common sense.

The most absurd assertion from Jackson's supporters is that the FBI investigated him over a span of over 10 years. They latch onto the statement "these investigations occurred between 1992 and 2005," without grasping that the investigations related to child sexual abuse (where the FBI provided assistance) took place separately between 1993 and 1994, and 2004 and 2005.

However, the greatest irony lies in the buried police report within the files, detailing an account from a couple from Toronto, Canada who reported witnessing possessive behaviour and concerning noises emanating from Jackson's compartment while he was with an unrelated 11 to 12-year-old boy, whom he referred to as his "cousin."

The report states:

P/R called from Toronto Canada. She & husband works (sic) in Children's Services.

On Sat 3-7-92 they took train from Chicago to Grand Canyon. Train continued to CA (California). They had a compartment on car that Jackson had four compartments.

Jackson had a M/B juv (male black juvenile) 12/13 with him along with adult staff. Boy ID'd as Michael's "cousin". Jackson was very possessive of boy at night. P/R heard questionable noises through wall.

She was concerned enough to notify the conductor of her suspicions.

Read it here:

What makes this report significant is that it was made in 1992, the year before Jordan Chandler accused him of child molestation. At that time, there were no suspicions about Jackson or his practice of sleeping behind closed doors with young boys.

One common accusation made by Jackson's supporters is that those who accuse him of criminal or questionable behaviour always have a financial motive. However, in this case, the couple did not sell their story to the press or publicize it widely; instead, they quietly reported their concerns.

Does this prove that Jackson was molesting the unidentified boy? Probably not, but it does underscore that two adults with experience in children's services were troubled enough by Jackson's behaviour to alert the train conductor and subsequently the police. 

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