When using the website MJ Not Innocent, you understand the following:

Accuracy and Reliability

We take pride in providing accurate and factual information. However, we cannot guarantee that everything on this website is correct or free from mistakes. Some articles may have been created several years ago and therefore may not reflect current facts. Additionally, there may be basic errors such as spelling mistakes, incorrect dates, or names.

All content published on this website is done so in good faith, and we never attempt to deceive or mislead people intentionally.

Any mistakes will be corrected when pointed out, ASAP.

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While we strive to maintain a secure online environment, it is important to note that no website is entirely immune to potential threats such as viruses or hacking attempts. In the rare event of a security breach, rest assured that we will initiate immediate measures to restore the website to its original state.

Age and Suitability

MJ Not Innocent candidly delves into discussions surrounding allegations of child sexual abuse, bringing to light impactful yet delicate subject matter. Furthermore, the potential inclusion of adult language and imagery within the content means some post or pages may be unsuitable for younger audiences.

It's also important to note that some individuals may find the content on this site upsetting, therefore reader discretion is advised.


The material featured on this website is either owned by MJ Not Innocent or has received full permission for use. Any content that wasn't originally created by ourselves, is clearly marked at the bottom of the post or page. 

Aspects such as design, layout, appearance, and graphics are fully owned by MJ Not Innocent. 

Use of Copyright Material

MJ Not Innocent is a UK site, and under UK law is allowed to use a limited amount of copyright material for criticism, review and reporting under "Fair Dealing" (also known as "Fair Use" in some countries) without permission from the owner.

When using copyright material, we will always try to keep it to a minimum, and clearly state its original source. Please contact us, if you feel that your content isn't being used in a fair manner.

External Links

Periodically, this website may include links to external websites to provide further information on specific topics. These links are included for your convenience and to enhance your understanding of the subject matter. It's important to note that the inclusion of these links does not signify an endorsement of the linked website(s) by MJ Not Innocent. As such, we do not take responsibility for the content found on these linked websites.

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At MJ Not Innocent, we hold high regard for the importance of intellectual property rights and aim to uphold ethical standards when it comes to trademark usage. It is our policy that any trademarks not owned by or licensed to us are explicitly acknowledged on our website.