Danny Wu Celebrates That Two Girls Watched His Film

Danny Wu

Nov 26, 2019

On November 24, 2019, the creator of Square One, Danny Wu, tweeted a picture of himself with two preteens by his side, celebrating that they had watched his film in Beijing, China.

According to his account, his film had its Beijing premiere just a few days earlier, where he had the opportunity to meet and pose for photographs with two 11-12-year-old super fans of Michael Jackson who attended the event after persuading their parents.

He tweeted:

These 2 6th graders convinced their mom to take them to the Square One Beijing premiere, and also claimed to be the youngest MJ super fans. They let me know that they even convinced their school to screen the 30th anniversary concert on the school's movie day. #Proud

View original tweet here.

To provide context, Danny Wu, an adult male, is celebrating the fact that two children not only watched his YouTube film but also understood its contents, which include stories and claims about:

  • 20 different FBI departments investigated Jackson for over 10 years and conducted forensic examinations of his computers to determine whether he had any child pornography stored on them.
  • A psychiatrist from ABC debunked the myth that Jackson fit the profile of a predatory child molester.
  • A book glorifying a man/boy relationship written by an alleged NAMBLA member.
  • The semi-nude picture featuring the pubic hair of one of Michael Jackson's nephews from the pop group 3T was not indecent.
  • June Chandler physically forced her then 12-year-old son onto Michael Jackson.
  • Evan Chandler was a subpar dentist who had been disciplined by the dental board.
  • Evan Chandler was an deadbeat parent who owed $70,000 in child support.
  • Evan Chandler enlisted an aggressive attorney named Barry Rothman and devised an elaborate extortion plot against Michael Jackson.
  • Evan Chandler administered a mind-altering drug called sodium amytal to his then 13-year-old son and implanted false sex abuse stories in his head
  • Latoya Jackson was physically and mentally abused by her then husband, Jack Gordon and forced to say that her brother was a child molester.
  • Jordan Chandler's description of Michael Jackson's discoloured genitals was made as a random guess after Evan Chandler discovered that Jackson suffered from vitiligo and observed it on his buttocks following the administration of an injectable painkiller.

In fact, let's examine a selection of questions and answers presented by Danny Wu in his film, along with the input from his collaborator, Charles Thomson.

I obtained the transcript from YouTube, so there might be a few errors, but the vast majority should be accurate. The quotes are not arranged in any particular order and are intended to underscore the factual statements made in Square One and how Danny Wu perceives its suitability for children as young as 11 years old.

Direct quotes:

Danny Wu: "I have on the phone with me investigative journalist Charles Thomson who is the winner of six national awards for his recent investigative work, exposing the Shoebury paedophile ring. So Charles, you sat in on a lot of paedophile cases what would you say are the main differences between the cases that you sat in on and the Michael Jackson case?"

Charles Thomson: "Of course the first difference is that the cases that I covered were all criminal cases where there was no real financial incentive to make an allegation so, the motive of seeking millions of dollars is removed and then in the cases where we see convictions that I have been sitting in you had victims who were credible, who were consistent and that has never been the case in the allegations against Michael Jackson. They've never been consistent they've always turned out to be perjurers and people who were just looking for a payout."

Danny Wu: "Charles, I have also read that you have extensively studied the Michael Jackson FBI files what are the findings of the FBI files and whether child porn was ever discovered at Neverland?"

Charles Thomson: "No child porn was ever found at Neverland and in fact, there was a story that said child porn had been found around the time of the trial and so the judge and the prosecutor, both release a stipulation publicly which was that no child pornography was ever found at Neverland at Michael Jackson properties."

Charles Thomson: "Jordy Chandler was insisting that Michael had never touched him. Anthony Pellicano who was Michael's private investigator. Pellicano goes around to interview Jordy Chandler and questions him for about an hour, I believe and asks him all sorts of pointed and very direct questions. 'Have you ever seen Michael Jackson naked?' 'Have you ever been naked in bed with Michael Jackson?' 'Has he ever touched you?' Etcetera, etcetera. And Jordy Chandler says no to everything, at the end of the conversation, Jordy Chandler reiterates that Michael's never done anything wrong to him. And says, that his dad is just trying to get money."

Charles Thomson: "While Jordy was in Evan's custody, Evan sedated him with a drug called sodium amytal. Supposedly did a dental procedure, although, its a very dubious story that he's telling there because there's no reason to use sodium amytal if you're doing a dental procedure. But, he gives him this drug which has a reputation in the 80s as a truth serum. But in 1993 evidence was just coming out that sodium amytal had been wrongly used as a truth serum for years if you look at journals today like 'Psychology Today', they say its completely false that anybody ever considered it a truth serum. It just wasn't, what it did was it made people massively suggestible you could administer somebody with sodium amytal, and then plant an idea in their head and when they woke up, they would believe that it was true."

Danny Wu: "So, I'm just gonna take a step back for everyone. Evan Chandler makes a phone call to David Schwartz talking about he is going to make allegations against Michael Jackson. Jordan chandler denies all allegations Evan Chandler gets custody of Jordan Chandler and never returns him. It was supposed to be only for a week and during this period that Evan Chandler had Jordan Chandler there were numerous unethical methods that we know of being used against Jordan Chandler. Notably, the use of sodium amytal and the coaching, the one-on-one coaching between Jordan Chandler and Barry Rothman. So by the end of Jordans stay he changes his story, he went into Evans custody saying that he wasn't abused by Michael Jackson to now claiming that yes, in fact, I have been abused. So Charles with this new shocking statement by Jordan Chandler. What are Evan Chandler's next moves?"

Charles Thomson: "So after Jordy changes his story Evan instead of going straight to the police as you would expect a parent to do if their child had said that they'd been sexually abused by a man, he instead goes directly to Michael Jackson and his legal team and starts demanding 20 million dollars. But Evan had a desire to be a filmmaker. He was trying to get the money so he could make a movie. His lawyer gets in touch with Michael Jackson's camp and says $20 million dollars and nobody will ever hear about these allegations. But Michael Jackson is adamant that he is not going to give Evan Chandler $20 million dollars. So, the counter-offer which comes back, a deal for 3 scripts and they say, you'll be paid $350,000 per script. He said I'll contribute that to your film project, just to give you and your son a chance to mend because at that time, Evan was saying he's stolen my son's affection. He'd put that in the paper work, he said he's my son is being starstruck by this superstar he's stolen my son's affection. And so Michael just simply said this will be a great opportunity for you and Jordy to reconnect because you'll be able to write them together. Rothman comes back and say, 'You've no idea what we're asking for that's less than $2 million dollars, you know, we're not going for that.' The next offer that comes in from Jackson's camp is one single payment of $350,000. This amount shocked Barry Rothman because it was even lower than their first offer. So by now Chandler and Rothman figured out that Jackson camp was not serious about negotiating. So Evan Chandler suggests that he is willing to take the original 1 million dollar deal Pellicano responds, 'That's never going to happen."

Danny Wu: "So the allegation by Evan Chandler was that his son could accurately describe discoloration on Michael Jackson's genitals which have been caused by vitiligo. They seek and obtain a warrant which allows them to force Michael Jackson to submit to a naked photo shoot by the police."

Danny Wu: "Charles, what were the initial reports about this body search? In early '94 law enforcement sources tell two different media outlets Reuters and USA Today that there is no match. Jordan Chandler's drawing of Michael Jackson's genitalia has since been leaked and when you really look at it with words such as 'my theory' and 'be selective' it's questionable whether these are truly Jordan's own descriptions or instructions from someone else."

Charles Thomson: "It's also important to note that Evan Chandler has admittingly given Michael Jackson painkillers through injections to his buttocks. So, at the very least, Evan saw Jackson's gluteus and that he had discoloration on his lower body region. The Smoking Gun obtains a document which is called the 'Linden Affidavit' and written by a detective Linden who works for the authorities that are investigating the Jordy Chandler case and she has taken from Jordy Chandler a description of Michael Jackson's genitals. And Jordy Chandler tells Linden that Michael Jackson is circumcised. When they conduct the body search it turns out that Michael Jackson is in fact not circumcised. Meaning that his description has not matched."

Danny Wu: "Victor Gutierrez is a freelance reporter born in Chile. According to him, he first went to a NAMBLA meeting in 1986. What is NAMBLA?."

Charles Thomson: "NAMBLA stands for North American Men Boy Love Association. So it's basically a pro-pedophile group. [...] So at this meeting he overhears conversations talking about how it would be great if Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Because if Michael Jackson is a pedophile that makes it easier for societies to accept pedophilia as a whole. So after this it becomes Victor Gutierrez's mission to prove that Michael Jackson is a pedophile. He starts befriending Michael Jackson's maids, former employees and he even approaches Joy Robson, Wade Robson's, mother. Joy Robson subsequently told him to get lost and Joy Robson reported him to Michael Jackson. This is in 1992 before allegations of Michael Jackson even rose. So during the '93 allegations Victor Gutierrez served as a source for many journalists including but are not limited to Diane Dimond and Maureen Orth. He also coaches Michael Jackson's former employees such as his maids Blanca Francia, and Adrian McManus notable ones to sell their stories to tabloids. In 1996, Victor Gutierrez wrote a book titled 'Michael Jackson was my Lover' a book that glorified pedophilia through the relationship between Michael Jackson and Jordan Chandler."

As evident from Danny Wu's film, it delves into topics such as drugging, brainwashing, violence, NAMBLA, genitalia, paedophilia, and various other subjects that are not only inappropriate for children, but also beyond their ability to process or understand.

However, Danny Wu holds a different view. He takes pride in the fact that two young girls have seen and even endorsed his film, despite their tender age. What's more concerning is that the film is not rooted in factual information; it is a work of misinformation created and promoted by obsessive stans.

When Leaving Neverland was released by Channel 4 and HBO, it was scheduled to air after the watershed due to its content. It is not suitable for children, and the creators make that very clear. Dan Reed has not been pictured with children proclaiming their support for his film, nor have Diane Dimond, Maureen Orth, or even Victor Gutierrez for that matter.

This, once again, serves as another illustration of the misguided and distorted mindset of those who proclaim the innocence of Michael Jackson.