Master of Deception

March 22, 2020

There has been a misconception surrounding Wade Robson's self-proclaimed title as "the master of deception." Although he did use this phrase, it was in a completely different context from the one fans are quick to allude to.

Wade states the following in a deposition with the Jackson estate lawyers:

Q. You refer to yourself as "a master of deception"; correct?

A. Here, yes, in the writing.

Q. Do you believe that you're a good liar?

A. I believe Michael Jackson taught me how to lie really well about the abuse that I suffered at his hands.

Q. And you did consistently, you're claiming now, lie about the abuse from when it started when you were 7 years old until May 8th, 2012; correct?

A. Say that one more time.

Q. Sure. You consistently lied, it's your claim now that you consistently lied about the abuse from the time you were 7 until May 8th, 2012; correct?

A. Yeah. I told the story that Michael taught me to tell until May 8th, 2012.

Q. And when people pressed you on that story or asked you questions, you consistently said that Michael had not abused you; correct?

A. Correct.

View the document in full: MJFacts.com

In this deposition, Wade clarified that he used this phrase to illustrate how Michael Jackson had taught him to deny the abuse he suffered from the age of 7. Interestingly, he mentioned that this was part of his attempt to write a book about his experiences with abuse. Wade explicitly stated that his use of this phrase was to describe how he was conditioned to disown the reality of his psychological trauma until he recognized it as abuse. It's important to note that taking this phrase out of context can lead to misunderstanding, as it does not reflect his current stance.

With permission, the following article was translated and enhanced from The Truth about Michael Jackson.