James Safechuck Sr

March 12, 2020

Amidst the investigations involving Jordan Chandler's allegations, an intriguing statement emerges from a teenage James Safechuck, shedding light on the origins and complexities of his accusations against Michael Jackson.

At the time of Jordan's investigations, James, approximately 16 years old, adamantly communicated to his father, James Safechuck Sr., that MJ had not subjected him to any abuse. This proclamation was subsequently conveyed by his father to a grand jury on April 12, 1994. The transcript of the interview with Santa Barbara County prosecutors and sheriff delved into Mr. Safechuck's discussions surrounding potential abuses with his son. This interview revealed an astonishing twist, contributing to the intricate testimonial history of James Safechuck.

Q. Okay. But now, on this first occasion, were you ever in the room when your son indicated that he had been kissed by Michael Jackson?

A. Yes.

Q. When did that occur if you say that the interview was being done out of your presence?

A. After, I think, the policeman asked me.

Q. Can you describe what happened?

A. And I think I responded, "Yes. I kissed him too. I kiss my children. I kiss everybody. And I see nothing wrong with that."

Q. Well, were you present when your son indicated or stated to the police detectives that Michael Jackson kissed him on the lips?

A. No.

Q. Did the detectives inform you that's what your son had indicated?

A. Yes.

Q. And what did you then say to the police detectives at that time?

A. Just what I told you prior.

Q. That what?

A. That there was nothing wrong with that.

View screenshots of the document at link 1, link 2 and link 3.

It is noteworthy that James, at the time of this statement, was ostensibly in defense of Michael Jackson and would have had little incentive to fabricate allegations that could be detrimental to his reputation.

Notably, although Safechuck Sr. acknowledged the incident, he appeared to minimize its significance, failing to recognize the gravity of the situation. This raises questions about his judgment, particularly considering his acquiescence to his son participating in sleepovers with a much older man. While an attempt was made to rationalize this by citing his own behavior in giving kisses to his children, it is imperative to emphasize that MJ was not James's father, and there exists no justification for a grown man to engage in such behavior with a preteen boy.

This illustrative excerpt underscores the notion that James's accusations, emerging two decades after the initial interview, are not baseless and hint at behavior by MJ that transcends appropriate boundaries.

The dilemma arises as to why law enforcement did not pursue this event. Unfortunately, without a clear assertion of sexual abuse and in the absence of James altering his stance, the prosecution was precluded from pursuing charges independently. Subsequently, investigations of Jordan's case were halted following a settlement and Jordan's discontinuation of cooperation, leaving this disconcerting episode unresolved.

With permission, the following article was translated and enhanced from The Truth about Michael Jackson.