Dear MJ Apologists, This Is What You Support

Unrelated man-boy sleepovers

Mar 13, 2019

Do you vigorously defend Michael Jackson and harshly criticize anyone who questions his innocence, or do you participate in spreading misinformation to discredit his accusers?

If so, take a moment to relax and contemplate the potential implications of your support. I understand that it can be challenging to form an accurate understanding of Michael Jackson, especially when faced with conflicting accounts of his character.

The reality is that Michael Jackson was neither a villain nor a saint. However, he was unquestionably a deeply troubled individual with a concerning affinity for young boys. This fixation led him to spend countless nights behind closed doors with young boys, even after facing allegations of child molestation.

Naturally, websites that support Jackson will attempt to portray a vastly different image, suggesting that Jackson was an exceptional case - a man deprived of a childhood and merely seeking to experience what he had missed. However, it's important to question the premise: where are the comparable individuals who engage in similar behavior, enticing young children into their private quarters and engaging in "innocent" sleepovers?

While it's evident that Jackson's upbringing and abusive father had a detrimental impact on his life, it's essential to recognize that many criminals, including serial killers and child molesters, often come from troubled backgrounds.

You may not be particularly keen on delving into the characteristics of paedophilia, but it's essential to understand this aspect before forming any conclusions about Jackson.

I won't delve into specific allegations of child molestation against Jackson or the corresponding counterarguments. However, it's crucial to consider whether you would condone the behaviour of unrelated man/boy sleepovers if it involved any other individual.

Consider this scenario: You're around 40 years old and have young children between the ages of 7 and 12. Would you contemplate posting an advertisement on platforms like Gumtree or Craigslist, offering your children to fully grown adult men or women with troubled childhoods, granting them extensive one-on-one access to your children so they could supposedly relive a deprived childhood, akin to Jackson’s situation?

If your answer is no, it's important to question why not. Despite feeling entirely at ease with Jackson's actions, why would you not extend that same comfort to a complete stranger and your own children?

Now, consider this: would you be willing to wear a t-shirt that declares "I openly support unrelated man-boy sleepovers" to your workplace or outside the school gates, alongside other parents as you wait to pick up your child?

If your answer is once again no, it's important to ponder the reasons why. Isn't it contradictory to deem it acceptable for a celebrity to entice young boys into his private quarters for "innocent" one-on-one sleepovers, while simultaneously rejecting such behavior under normal circumstances?

Indeed, I understand that fan sites may portray Jackson as an international pop star embodying an innocent Peter Pan persona. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that neither you nor I personally knew Jackson, and some of those closest to him have accused him of child molestation and rape. To comprehend the profound and troubled life that Jackson led, one only needs to examine the final months of his life, wherein he engaged in risky behaviours involving propofol, until his luck ran out.

For those who ardently defend MJ, I want to clarify that I do not necessarily believe you are inherently bad people. Many of you may unwittingly fall victim to a small but potent group of troubled and malevolent individuals who perpetuate an aggressive misinformation campaign against Jackson's accusers, effectively influencing others to echo their harmful rhetoric.

It's important to bear in mind that there might come a time in your life when you need to support someone who has been sexually abused by an individual displaying the same traits as Jackson. Would you be willing to subject that person to the same morally bankrupt tactics that many Jackson apologists utilize against his accusers?

If you firmly oppose unrelated man/boy sleepovers, I urge you to reconsider before denouncing Jackson's accusers or skeptics. Conversely, if you choose to endorse such behavior, you may find affirmation only from organizations such as NAMBLA.

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