Damning Statements Made by Carl Douglas

Carl Douglas

Nov 8, 2019

In September 2019, Carl Douglas, a protege of Johnnie Cochran and part of Jackson's 1993 legal team, made candid and critical statements about Michael Jackson during a Telephone Stories The Music is Everywhere interview. Unlike many other lawyers, Carl is notably transparent about the 1993 case and does not support the glorification of celebrity culture.

Listen to the audio segment below

Below are direct quotes from Carl Douglas:

Compares MJ fans to R. Kelly fans

"Many, I'm sure, of his (Michael Jackson's) fans will go to their graves believing in his righteousness. Just like, I'm sure, there are fans of R. Kelly who would say his accusers are all lying."

Douglas states supporting MJ and R. Kelly is “SICK”

"Its kind of a SICK way that we Westerners embrace celebrity."

Compares MJ fans to Trump supporters who are in denial

"How else can you explain our current president and those who will support him with all of the various kinds of accusations that are every bit contrary to who they are in every other context, but they will embrace and defend him to the last?"

Douglas then coins the term “The Micheal Jackson Effect”

"In fact, that is a great analogy. The Michael Jackson effect is being evidenced even today with Donald Trump. He'll have his 35% core believers if he shot someone on 5th Avenue. In the face of all of the people who were surrounding him pleading guilty, in the face of his own words and comments, in the face of how he is in everything outside the accepted norm; there are senators who support him."

Douglas states supporting MJ and Trump is “TRAGIC”

"I mean, that's even more tragic than somebody from Indiana loving Michael Jackson records and not believing Jordan Chandler (stated while laughing). That's even worse, I say".

"I don't dwell on whether Joe Blow actually killed the person that I am defending. I could not do my job for the next guy if I had those kinds of lingering feelings or doubts. I am proud of the work I did on behalf of Michael Jackson - I avoided a criminal charge. So I don't have a personal thought that I would want to share because I am still working everyday. Still defending those who have been accused of crimes that may have been responsible for the crimes."

It is not the first instance of Carl Douglas speaking out about Jackson. In a video titled "Frozen In Time Seminar" alongside Thomas Mesereau and Larry Feldman, he discusses their concerns about the photographing of Jackson's genitalia and the measures they had to take to "silence" the accuser.

"In our perspective, you have to remember that there was a companion criminal investigation case going on by both the District Attorney's office in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. There had been an occasion where Michael Jackson was examined, and his genitalia was recorded, which was part of an investigation. And that was part of the 300 pound gorilla in the mediation room. We wanted to do all that we could to avoid the possibility that there would be a criminal filing against Michael Jackson, and the reality was we were hopeful that if we were able to "silence" the accuser, that would obviate the need for any concern about the criminal side, so from our perspective there was a great deal of trust, not only with Johnnie and Larry because they had a twenty year prior friendship, there was a tremendous trust with Johnnie and the three judges being recommended. And we were facing the purple gorilla in the room of If we don't get this case settled before March, there is a criminal investigation looming, and no one wanted to consider the implications of that as it affected Michael Jackson."