The Truth about Anthony Pellicano’s “Extortion” Tape

Oct 30, 2020

The pro-Michael Jackson documentary Square One showcases Anthony Pellicano's "extortion" tape as definitive evidence that Evan was attempting to extort Michael Jackson. However, this audiotape was heavily manipulated and features only a few lines extracted from a much longer conversation.

Charles Thomson And The Dubious Sodium Amytal Story

Dec 8, 2019

In Square One, UK journalist Charles Thomson asserts that Jordan Chandler was drugged and brainwashed with Sodium Amytal. However, when I challenged his claims in an email conversation, I was led to believe in conspiracies and falsehoods.

Danny Wu Celebrates That Two Girls Watched His Film

Nov 26, 2019

 On November 24, 2019, the creator of Square One, Danny Wu, tweeted a picture of himself with two preteens by his side, celebrating that they had watched his film in Beijing, China.